Awake Outdoors

from $10.00

Monthly Outdoor Meditation Offering

  • Location: Rockefeller Park Main Entrance

  • Meeting times: 4:00 – 5:30 pm (approximate)

  • Dates: 4/16, 5/14, and 6/11

Please join us for an outdoor meditation followed by a (highly recommended) social time.  We’ll meet at 4:00 pm one Sunday each month at Rockefeller Park Main Entrance, 125 Phelps Way, Pleasantville, NY 10570.

Walking meditation is sometimes described as the bridge between sitting practice and everyday life. After a brief reading or instruction, we’ll walk for up to an hour (or feel free to sit instead). The instruction will reference teachers such as Titch Naht Hahn and Mark Coleman’s Awake in the Wild program. This program is suitable for any meditation experience level, emphasizing an engaged, enjoyable, and practical take on mindfulness and spending time outdoors

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